Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1939, The American Republics, Volume V

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1939, The American Republics, Volume V
- Matilda F. Axton
- Rogers P. Churchill
- Francis C. Prescott
- John G. Reid
- N. O. Sappington
- Louis E. Gates
- Shirley L. Phillips
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
United States Government Printing Office
- General: (Documents 1–265)
- Attitude of governments of the American Republics toward proposed joint
resolution which would authorize cooperation in supplying them with miliary
and naval matériel for defense purposes (Documents 1–29)
- Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics for consultation under the Inter-American agreements of Buenos Aires and Lima, held at Panama September 23–October 3, 1939 (Documents 30–65)
- Establishment of the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory
(Documents 66–68)
- Establishment of the Inter-American Neutrality Committee (Documents 69–73)
- United States cooperation in maintaining in the territorial waters of
certain other American Republics the neutrality patrol envisaged by the
Declaration of Panama (Documents 74–81)
- Discussions regarding possible purchase by neutral interests of German
merchant ships which had taken refuge in Western Hemisphere ports (Documents 82–117)
- Violations by the belligerents of the Security Zone established by the
Declaration of Panama
(Documents 118–169)
- Proposed collective protest by the American Republics against the Soviet
invasion of Finland
(Documents 170–186)
- Boundary disputes: (Documents 187–242)
- Ecuador and Peru
(Documents 187–195)
- Honduras and Nicaragua
(Documents 196–242)
- Ecuador and Peru
(Documents 187–195)
- Dispute between Guatemala and the United Kingdom
(Documents 243–265)
- Attitude of governments of the American Republics toward proposed joint
resolution which would authorize cooperation in supplying them with miliary
and naval matériel for defense purposes (Documents 1–29)
- Argentina: (Documents 266–308)
- Bolivia: (Documents 309–356)
- Continuation by the United States of normal relations with changing
Bolivian Government (Documents 309–326)
- Proposed extension by the United States of financial assistance to the
Government of Bolivia (Documents 327–336)
- Good offices of the Department of State in negotiations regarding an
agreement between the Government of Bolivia and the Standard Oil
(Documents 337–356)
- Continuation by the United States of normal relations with changing
Bolivian Government (Documents 309–326)
- Brazil: (Documents 357–428)
- Arrangements for a general program of economic cooperation between the
United States and Brazil (Documents 357–362)
- Efforts of the Department of State to secure a resumption of payments on
Brazilian foreign debts
(Documents 363–392)
- Assistance of the Department of State in securing payment of American
commercial arrears
(Documents 393–428)
- Arrangements for a general program of economic cooperation between the
United States and Brazil (Documents 357–362)
- Chile: (Documents 429–492)
- Provisional commercial agreement between the United States and Chile,
signed February 20 and 24, 1939
(Documents 429–431)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States and
(Documents 432–466)
- Financial assistance by the United States to the Government of
Chile (Documents 467–484)
- Disavowal by the United States Government of desire to lease Easter
Island (Documents 485–492)
- Provisional commercial agreement between the United States and Chile,
signed February 20 and 24, 1939
(Documents 429–431)
- Colombia: (Documents 493–518)
- Costa Rica: (Documents 519–521)
- Cuba: (Documents 522–554)
- Assistance of the Department of State in efforts to secure a settlement of
the Cuban public works debt
(Documents 522–527)
- Discussions regarding a general program of economic cooperation between
the United States and Cuba
(Documents 528–538)
- Supplementary trade agreement between the United States and Cuba, signed
December 18, 1939
(Documents 539–554)
- Assistance of the Department of State in efforts to secure a settlement of
the Cuban public works debt
(Documents 522–527)
- Dominican Republic: (Documents 555–563)
- Ecuador: (Documents 564–597)
- Proposals for a general program of economic cooperation between the United
States and Ecuador (Documents 564–569)
- Representations to the Ecuadoran Government regarding import control
provisions considered as not in compliance with trade agreement (Documents 570–595)
- Attitude of the United States toward the proposed acquisition of the
Galápagos Islands from Ecuador
(Documents 596–597)
- Supplementary extradition treaty between the United States and Ecuador, signed September 22, 1939
- Proposals for a general program of economic cooperation between the United
States and Ecuador (Documents 564–569)
- Guatemala:
- Haiti: (Documents 598–609)
- Honduras: (Documents 610–612)
- Mexico: (Documents 613–667)
- Representations against further expropriations by the Mexican Government
of lands owned by American citizens until authorization for payment be
(Documents 613–626)
- Support by the Department of State of efforts of American oil companies to
reach an agreement with the Mexican Government regarding their expropriated
(Documents 627–667)
- Supplementary extradition convention between the United States and Mexico, signed August 16, 1939
- Representations against further expropriations by the Mexican Government
of lands owned by American citizens until authorization for payment be
(Documents 613–626)
- Nicaragua: (Documents 668–688)
- Panama: (Documents 689–698)
- Neutrality in the waters of the Isthmus of Panama: Agreement effected by
exchange of notes confirming that the protocol of October 10, 1914,
is in effect, signed August 25, 1939 (Documents 689–690)
- Exchange of notes between the Secretary of State and the Panamanian Minister, February 1, 1939, clarifying certain provisions of the General Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, signed March 2, 1936
- Statement by President Roosevelt regarding certain American legislation
denying equality of treatment to Panamanians in employment by the Panama
Canal (Documents 691–693)
- Request of Foreign Bondholders Protective Council for a return of canal
annuity paid to Panama, on ground that funds were pledged to servicing the
Panama dollar bonds
(Documents 694–698)
- Neutrality in the waters of the Isthmus of Panama: Agreement effected by
exchange of notes confirming that the protocol of October 10, 1914,
is in effect, signed August 25, 1939 (Documents 689–690)
- Paraguay: (Documents 699–706)
- Peru: (Documents 707–724)
- Uruguay: (Documents 725–739)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States and
Uruguay (Documents 725–739)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States and
Uruguay (Documents 725–739)
- Venezuela: (Documents 740–744)
- Index