611.3131/405: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Venezuela (Scott)
31. Telegram No. 41 April 27, noon, from Daniels. Although instructions to Daniels regarding the proposed trade agreement with Venezuela are now under consideration, and it is hoped that they will be sent him within the next few days, it would be impossible in any case, for an agreement to be concluded and in effect before the expiration on May 11 of the modus vivendi of May 12, 1938. Consequently, in order to maintain the legal basis whereon the Venezuelan Government accords United States trade most-favored-nation treatment pending the conclusion of a trade agreement, you should, unless you perceive objection, propose to that Government the following draft of identic notes, mutatis mutandis:
“Excellency: I have the honor to confirm the understanding reached as a result of recent conversations, that the provisions of the modus vivendi between the Governments of the United States of America and Venezuela, effected by an exchange of notes in Caracas dated May 12, 1938, shall be continued for a further period of 1 year or until [Page 806] superseded by a more comprehensive commercial agreement, or until denounced by either Government by advance written notice of not less than 30 days.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.”
If agreeable to the Venezuelan Government, the proposed exchange of notes may be signed at any time prior to May 12, 1939.
Please keep the Department promptly informed in regard to this matter.