852.75 National Telephone Co./254: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Spain (Matthews)

11. Your 47, May 11, 10 a.m. Mr. Frank Page of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation discussed the matter of Colonel Behn’s application with us yesterday and requested that we do everything possible to assist in obtaining permission for him to enter Spain. The steps which you have taken thus far in this connection are approved and you are authorized to take whatever further action you believe may be advisable under the circumstances to facilitate issuance of the necessary permit. We assume that in doing so you will consult with Colonel Behn.

It is noted from your telegram that in your letter of May 6 to Barcenas you asked to be given the reason for delaying Colonel Behn’s permission to enter Spain. As the Department is at a loss to understand the attitude of the Spanish Government in this matter we wish you to continue to endeavor to ascertain the reason for the delay.

We shall appreciate information as to whether Americans connected with the Telephone Company are receiving treatment different from that accorded others. We should also like to know whether difficulties in obtaining permission to enter Spain still exist with reference to all nationalities, as reported in your no. 34 of May 1, noon,3 and if so what action may have been taken by other Governments on behalf of their nationals.

  1. Not printed.