800.014 Antarctic/191

President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have this date designated Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, U. S. N., Ret., to serve as Commanding Officer of the expedition which is to make an investigation and survey of the natural resources of the land and sea areas of the Antarctic Regions, for which there is provided an appropriation of $340,000 in the Urgent Deficiency and Supplemental Appropriation Act, approved June 30, 1939.1

I have also requested the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Navy and Interior each to designate a representative to form a committee for the purpose of organizing, directing and coordinating the conduct of this investigation and survey, and am advised that the following have been designated to serve on this committee: Hugh S. Cumming, Jr., Department of State, Rear Admiral Russell R. Waesche, U. S. C. G., Treasury Department, Captain Charles C. Hartigan, U. S. N., Navy Department, and Dr. Ernest H. Gruening, Department of the Interior.

It is my desire that all departments, establishments and agencies of the government that may be concerned with the work of this Antarctic expedition cooperate with and assist the committee and Admiral Byrd in their work in every practicable way.

Very sincerely yours,

Franklin D. Roosevelt
  1. 53 Stat. 980, 986.