124.60C/94: Telegram

The Minister in Rumania (Gunther) to the Secretary of State


201. Following from Biddle.

“6, September 15, 11 p.m.

1. Considering it more suitable under circumstances Beck decided remove his headquarters to Stavekuty14 and requested mission chiefs to maintain contact with him there. At the same time Beck specially urged me to set up means of continuous communication with my Government. Accordingly pursuant my today’s request our Minister in Bucharest (a) is sending Misses McQuatters and Saunders to Cerneuerti [Cernauti]15 where (subject to your approval) I consider essential establishing a relay communications bureau at Black Eagle Hotel and (b) is retaining also subject to your approval Misses Hillery and Pinard to assist relaying messages between Bucharest and Department.”

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  1. Presumably staff headquarters temporarily at Kuty, in southeastern Poland, near Rumanian frontier (Bukovina).
  2. In northern Rumania, near Polish frontier.