The Secretary of State to the Minister in Finland (Schoenfeld)
Sir: Referring to page 3 of your despatch no. 757 dated September 12, 1938, the Department approves the suggestion that it be brought formally to the attention of the Finnish Government by means of a note that the convention to which the two governments have agreed does not apply to the very important class of naturalized persons and that a liberalization of the Finnish nationality law with reference to Finnish men between the ages of 17 and 28 and naturalized abroad would permit the negotiation of a treaty defining the military obligations of naturalized persons. You are instructed to deliver a note to the Finnish Government containing the foregoing suggested [Page 477] statement, and to add that it is the desire of the Government of the United States that a naturalization convention may be concluded between the two countries in the near future. In expressing the hope that a naturalization convention may be concluded you are instructed to again call to the attention of the Finnish Government the policy of the Government of the United States not to extend its protection abroad to a person of foreign origin who has obtained naturalization as a citizen of this country fraudulently or, although his naturalization may have been obtained in good faith, has abandoned his ties with the United States and established himself permanently in the country of his former nationality. In this relation you will direct especial attention to the provisions of Article III of the draft treaty of naturalization between the United States and the Republic of Finland transmitted with instruction no. 99 of December 1, 1928,12 and state that similar provisions are contained in the naturalization treaties concluded between the United States and other countries.
The aforementioned note may be delivered to the Finnish Government whenever, in your discretion it appears advisable. The Department is of the opinion that it would be expedient to deliver such a note immediately or shortly after the convention which has been agreed upon has been signed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Very truly yours,
- See instruction No. 583 of the same date to the Chargé in Estonia and footnote 56, Foreign Relations, 1928, vol. i, p. 500.↩