800.014 Antarctic/132

The Secretary of State to the Norwegian Minister (Morgenstierne)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of January 14, 1939, informing me of a Royal Decree of the same date relating to a claim of Norwegian sovereignty over that part of the coast of the Antarctic continent which extends from 20° West Longitude eastwards to 45° East Longitude, together with the hinterland and waters adjacent thereto.

Without at this time desiring to enter into a discussion of the various territorial and other questions suggested by the contents of the Royal Decree to which you have drawn my attention, I wish to [Page 3] inform you that the United States reserves all rights which it or its citizens may have in the area mentioned.

I should be grateful if you would bring the foregoing to the attention of your Government.

Accept [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
R. Walton Moore