840.48 Refugees/1808: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

1160. Emerson this morning expounded at length to Van Zeeland73 and Nigellaw, who has been appointed his assistant, the history of [Page 143] conversations between officials of the Intergovernmental Committee and Wohlthat, the problem of financing emigration, and the present prospects of settlement.

With respect to conversations with the German authorities, Van Zeeland at first wished to establish immediate contact with Wohlthat. Emerson stated that he had already written Wohlthat advising him of Van Zeeland’s appointment, pointing out that the Foundation was now in a position to cooperate with the internal trust as soon as it was set up, and expressing hope that this would be done without further delay. He advised against any contact between Van Zeeland and Wohlthat until the Germans had given further evidence of good faith by actually setting up the trust. Van Zeeland agreed and indicated that he would do nothing at the moment except to write a personal letter to Wohlthat stating that he was prepared to enter into discussions as soon as the trust had been established.

Van Zeeland indicated a desire to come to grips with all aspects of the refugee problem coming properly within the Foundation’s mandate as soon as he had familiarized himself with them sufficiently to proceed soundly. He considers that as the Executive President of the Foundation he must, while working closely with the Intergovernmental Committee and the principal governments concerned, act independently and he is personally prepared to accept full responsibility.

  1. Paul van Zeeland, former Belgian Prime Minister, and executive president of the International Coordinating Foundation.