800.014 Antarctic/215
The Acting Secretary of State to the Argentine Ambassador (Espil)
Excellency: On July 25, 1939, I had the honor to address a note to Your Excellency suggesting the possibility of an interchange of meteorological data between the Argentine Weather Station at Laurie Island and the United States bases to be established in Antarctica.
[Page 9]I am now pleased to be able to inform you that, in response to a letter which it has received from Dr. Alfredo G. Galmarini, Director of the Meteorological, Geophysical and Hydrographic Service of Argentina, the United States Weather Bureau proposes to enter into communication with Dr. Galmarini with a view to formulating specific plans along the lines suggested in my above-mentioned note.
I should be grateful if you would convey to Your Government an expression of the appreciation of the United States Government of Dr. Galmarini’s fine offer to cooperate in the important scientific work to be undertaken by the United States Antarctic Service.
Accept [etc.]