793.94/13874: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Bucknell) to the Secretary of State

192. My telegram 182, September 8, 5 p.m. In a conversation with Quo Tai-chi concerning the Chinese request for immediate application of article 17 which has now been embodied in a formal note to the League, he explained that China had so far refrained from insisting upon the application of article 17 as a result of pleas of various members of the League to save them from embarrassment and of promises of individual aid for China. Now, however, since with the exception of Russia these promises of aid had not been carried out, public opinion in China was insisting upon some direct action on the part of the League and the delegation had accordingly been instructed to press for the immediate application of article 17.

In view of the fact that under present circumstances it would be highly embarrassing for the League to agree with the Chinese request for an application of article 17, which would automatically lead to article 16, and equally embarrassing to the Chinese to have such a request refused, it may well be that the present Chinese move is designed for bargaining purposes and that they hope that by their insistence upon the application of article 17 that Great Britain and France particularly may be forced into more concrete measures of assistance to the Chinese Government.
