124.93/414: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Johnson)
19. Department’s 18, December 20, 7 p.m.45 It is desired that you make your plans to remain at Hankow so long as the Chinese Foreign [Page 829] Office remains there and, in the event of the Foreign Office removing to some other point, to proceed thereto in order to continue near to the Government to which you are accredited.
In making your plans please give consideration to the question whether you would wish all of the Embassy personnel now at Hankow to accompany you, if and when, to a point further inland. Please radio the Department your views in this regard. If you should desire to take with you only a portion of the Embassy staff at Hankow, might it be advisable for those who would not accompany you to be sent away at this time from Hankow?
The Department is inclined to believe that women clerks, including those at the Embassy and at the Consulate General, should not remain at Hankow. Please discuss this point with Josselyn46 and give the Department by radio the benefit of your views.