
The Consul at Tientsin (Berger) to the Ambassador in China (Johnson)87

No. 350

Sir: I have the honor to refer to this Consulate General’s despatch No. 348, dated November 19, 1936,88 concerning the action taken by this office in connection with the request by the Chinese Foreign Office that Americans be withdrawn from Suiyuan, Ninghsia, Chinghai, and Inner Mongolia, and to report that information given me by Consul Ward89 of this office, who returned this morning from a trip into [Page 526] Inner Mongolia, is to the effect that the Misses Sara Heinrichs, Elizabeth Hofer, and Helen Willems, of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Mission at Chotzeshan, Suiyuan, left that place on November 18 for Peiping, and were followed the next day by Mr. and Mrs. Abraham K. Wiens, the only other Americans at Chotzeshan; that Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lindholm and their two children from Patsebolong, are understood to be on their way to Kueisui, where they intend to stay for the time being with Mr. Ekblad; and that Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Gunzel and their infant daughter have taken up temporary residence at Kalgan, Mr. Gunzel having, it is understood, returned alone to Kueisui on November 18 to proceed from there to Chaoho to collect certain personal belongings at that place, whereafter he will return to Kalgan.

The Embassy will note that all American citizens known to be or to have been resident in the Province of Suiyuan are now accounted for.

The Consulate General does not contemplate any further action at present in connection with the withdrawal of those Americans still in Suiyuan.

Respectfully yours,

David C. Berger
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department without covering despatch; received January 4, 1937.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Robert Spencer Ward, Consul at Tientsin.