- Agricultural Adjustment Act (1938), 816, 869
- Aizawa, Colonel, trial of, 742–747, 766–769
- Alaska. See Japan: Fisheries.
- Andersen, Meyer & Co., 589, 595
- Arms and munitions. See under China.
- Ault and Wiborg Co., 577–578
- Australia, 50–52, 262
- Aviation. See under China; Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, 594–595
- Belgium, 138, 283
- Borneo, 130
- Boycotts against Germany, 59
- Boxer Indemnity, 40, 150
- Burma, 234
- Canada, 428, 946–950
- Celebes, 130–134
- Censorship and confiscation of American motion pictures in China, 670–685
- Chiang Kai-shek. See under China; Sino-Japanese dispute.
- China (see also
Sino-Japanese dispute), 459–705
- Arms and munitions (including military aircraft),
export to China, 553–565
- Cooperation of various countries in effecting uniform export practices, 555, 557, 560–562, 564–565
- Difficulties in effecting delivery, 553–554, 558–560
- Shanghai, International Settlement, 562–563
- Statistics of purchases, Chinese objection to publication of, 555–556
- U. S.-British discussions of, 554–555, 557, 560–562, 564–565
- Aviation (see also
Arms and munitions, supra, and under
Sino-Japanese dispute):
- American and other foreign instructors, 202
- Chinese disinclination to permit establishment of civil aviation or grant of landing rights to foreign interests, 247, 317, 326, 333, 334, 456; Hopei-Chahar (Provinces), Japanese aviation agreement with, 359–362, 393, 455
- National Aviation Corp., 202, 361, 363–364, 371; employment of American pilots by, 363–364, 371; extension of service to Hong Kong, 247, 457, 642, 646
- Pan American Airways, question of extension of service to China, 638–647
- Burma, relations with, 234
- Censorship and confiscation of American motion pictures, 670–685
- Chiang Kai-shek (see also
Sino-Japanese dispute):
- Forcible detention at Sian, 414–425, 432–434, 436–449, 451, 453, 455; U. S. and other nations’ interest in, 419, 432–434, 438–442, 445
- South China opposition to, 14, 122, 135, 140, 184–185, 187, 192, 198, 200, 204–208, 210, 212, 217, 218–219, 224–225, 227, 231–234, 237, 239–240, 246–248, 253–254, 268, 305, 362, 364, 453–454
- Chinese Eastern Railway, 119–120, 140, 162, 178
- Claims against China, 574–600
- American claims (see also Hukuang Railway loan, infra): Preferential treatment of claims of other nationals, alleged, 577, 596–597, 599; Sino-American claims commission, status of, and U. S. efforts for action by Chinese Government, 579–580
- British claims (see also Hukuang Railway loan, infra), 585–586, 587, 589, 591, 594, 595–596
- Committee for Readjustment of Foreign and Domestic Loans, reorganization of, 579–580, 582
- Hukuang Railway loan of 1911, defaults in servicing of, 356, 358, 472–475, 574–577, 582–594 passim
- Japanese claims, 578, 580–581, 596, 598
- Sino-American claims commission, 579–580
- Collective security, Chinese views on, 74, 103
- Communists and bandits. See under Protection, infra, and under Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Consortium agreement of 1920, 469–475, 502–503, 583–586, 593
- Cotton-wheat credit of 1933, 459, 463–464, 465–468, 475–476, 486, 575, 577, 588
- Economic reconstruction of China and question of
financial assistance by other governments, 459–503
- American economic mission to China, unofficial, 490, 494
- American loans and credits: Chicago Bank Loan, 356, 358, 472–475, 574–577, 582, 587–588, 593, 596–598; Export-Import Bank assumption of loans, 475–476, 486, 489, 588; Farm Credit Administration, 459–462, 475–476, 575, 577; Flood Relief Loan of 1931, 466, 468, 486; Reconstruction Finance Corp. (cotton-wheat credit of 1933), 459–468 passim, 475–476, 486, 489, 575, 588
- British attitude (see also Consortium agreement, supra; Leith-Ross, infra), 289, 489, 499, 501–502, 585
- Chinese efforts at reconstruction and currency reform (see also Silver, infra), 211, 231, 235, 464–465, 477–494 passim, 590
- General economic situation (see also Silver, infra), 134–135, 152–153, 158–159, 163–165, 168, 170, 183, 185, 195, 210–213, 230, 231, 232–233, 234–236, 457, 486–488, 490–494, 522, 590, 607, 614
- German economic mission, 58–60
- Hunt, William P., cotton credit proposals of, 496–498, 500–501
- Japanese attitude, 139, 232, 270, 272, 275–276, 293–294, 308, 310, 326, 333–334, 353, 463, 471–472, 477–478, 495–496, 497–498, 707
- Leith-Ross, Sir Frederick, mission as British financial expert, 196, 223, 231, 235–236, 262, 289–290, 462, 490–494, 501, 587–592
- Loans. See American loans and credits, supra.
- Railway construction, 111, 124, 141, 252, 270, 276, 458, 493–494
- Salt Revenue Administration, 599–600
- Shanghai situation, 462, 486
- Silver: Effect of U. S. silver purchasing program on Chinese economy, 91, 235, 492; nationalization by China, 477, 479, 482–484, 490–494; U. S. arrangements with China, 480–485, 499, 895
- Sino-American trade: Chinese economic mission to United States, 465–468, 475, 479–483, 495–496, 499, 578–588, 589, 604; Japanese interest in, 479–480
- Tariff, effect on economic reconstruction, 492–493
- Insurance companies, American, application of Chinese laws to, 647–653
- Italy, 378–379, 406, 432–433, 458
- Japan. See Sino-Japanese dispute and under Japan.
- Kuomintang, 17, 69, 70, 71, 124, 140, 149, 185, 187, 191, 195, 198, 200, 202, 204, 216, 217, 227–228, 240, 246, 252, 253, 301, 316, 342, 450, 454, 673; speech of Chiang Kai-shek to, 246–247
- Loans:
- Missionaries and mission property (see also Protection, infra), land rental tax and re-registration of title deeds to real property in China, 653–670
- Monopolies, Chinese tendencies toward establishment of, and U. S. representations against, 600–628
- Narcotic drugs and opium control, 565–573
- National unity, 73, 124, 231–234, 246–247, 253–254, 401, 453–456
- Pan American Airways, U. S. assistance for extension of service to China, 638–647
- Pilotage procedure at Shanghai, U. S. reservation of rights with respect to proposed changes in, 635–638
- Protection of American and other foreign lives and property, 503–531
- Railways:
- Canton–Hankow Railway, 213, 457
- Chinese Eastern Railway, 119–120, 140, 162, 178
- Construction proposed, 111, 124, 141, 252, 270, 276, 458, 493–494
- Hukuang Railway loan of 1911, 356, 358, 472–475, 574–577, 582–594 passim
- Lunghai Railway, 97, 223
- Peiping–Hankow Railway, 75, 141, 159, 167, 172, 173, 313–314
- Peiping–Mukden Railway, 18, 76, 111, 115, 289
- Peiping–Suiyuan Railway, 259–260
- Shanhaikwan–Peiping Railway, 150
- South Manchuria Railway, 59, 76, 119–122, 141, 155, 203, 259, 285, 398, 707
- Tientsin–Pukow Railway, 75, 164, 173, 176, 421, 474, 576, 584–591
- Review of developments in China during 1936, 231–236, 453–458
- Shanghai:
- Economic situation in, 462, 486
- International Settlement: Administrative procedures, 685–687, 689–690, 695–699; American interest in problems affecting, 685–705; Japanese relations with, 289–290, 323, 328, 701–705; neutralization proposals, 380–386; policing of, 687–694, 695, 700, 701–705
- Pilotage procedure, U. S. reservation of rights with respect to proposed changes in, 635–638
- Silver. See under Economic reconstruction, supra.
- Soviet Union, relations with, 5, 61–62, 69, 103, 108, 112–113, 116, 127–128, 143, 162–163, 166
- Taxation:
- Tibet, 234, 354
- Title deeds to real property of Americans in China, re-registration and transfer of, 653–670
- United Kingdom, relations with. See under United Kingdom.
- U. S. Army forces in China, question of withdrawal, 531–537, 540–542, 544, 546–549
- U. S. Embassy, question of removal from Peiping, 535–536, 537–540, 541, 542, 543, 544–546, 548, 549–552
- Arms and munitions (including military aircraft),
export to China, 553–565
- Chinese Eastern Railway, 119–120, 140, 162, 178
- Chosen, 129, 216, 300
- Claims. See under China.
- Communists. See under China: Protection; Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Continental Illinois National Bank, 567, 587–588, 590
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Diplomatic and consular relations. See under Sino-Japanese dispute: “Manchoukuo.”
- Dollar Steamship Co., 236–237
- Ethiopian-Italian conflict, allusions to, 39–40, 65, 97, 246, 263, 378, 399, 542
- Export-Import Bank, 475–476, 486, 489, 588
- Extraterritoriality. See Japan: Leases perpetual; and under Sino-Japanese dispute: “Manchoukuo.”
- Far Eastern crisis. See Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Fisheries. See under Japan.
- Formosa, 15, 128, 131
- France, 41, 57, 85, 95, 103, 138, 161, 331, 996
- General American Car Co., 595
- General Electric, International, 589
- Germany (see also under Sino-Japanese dispute: “Manchoukuo”), 13, 19–20, 31–33, 41, 57, 58–60, 93, 97, 137–138, 161, 173–174, 188, 193–194, 258–259, 287, 378, 392, 400–404, 408–409, 411, 418, 426–429, 458, 551
- Guam, 130, 145
- Hainan, 295, 304
- Harbin, 34, 121
- Hawaii, 145, 266, 990–991
- Heiheitsu Island, 78
- Hoare–Laval proposals (1935), 65, 716
- Hong Kong (see also Japan: Trade relations: Philippines), 198–199
- Hui T’ung Aviation Co., 361, 455
- Immigration Act of 1924, 749
- India, 104, 262, 288–289, 848
- Indochina, French, 253
- Inner Mongolia. See under Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Italy: Ethiopian-Italian conflict, 39–40, 65, 97, 246, 262; relations with China, 378, 399, 401–403, 406, 432–433, 458
- Japan (see also
Sino-Japanese dispute), 706–993
- Aizawa, Colonel, trial of, 742–747, 766–767, 768–769
- American economic mission, unofficial, 914–915, 924–925, 936–940, 941
- Anti-espionage and anti-sedition legislation, 773–776
- Australia, relations with, 50–51, 262, 922
- Automobile Industry Law, 847, 902, 981–983
- Borneo, relations with, 130
- Canada, relations with, 428, 946–950
- Celebes, relations with, 130–134
- China, relations with (see also
Sino-Japanese dispute):
- Aviation: Japanese agreement with Hopei–Chahar (Provinces) on aviation establishment, 359–362, 393, 455; Japanese interest in permission to establish civil aviation in China, 247, 317, 326, 333–334, 456
- Claims, 578, 580–581, 596, 598
- Economic reconstruction of and financial aid to China, Japanese attitude toward, 139, 232, 270, 272, 275–276, 293–294, 308, 310, 326, 333–334, 353, 463, 471–472, 477–478, 495–496, 497–498, 707
- Embassy, Japanese desire to obtain an Embassy site in Nanking, 545, 551
- Monopolies in China, Japanese attitude toward, 618, 620
- Pilotage procedure at Shanghai Japanese attitude toward, 636–637
- Commercial treaties with United States (1894 and 1911), Japanese automobile and petroleum legislation in violation of, 847, 902, 981–983
- Economic situation, general, 54, 65, 79, 89, 96, 129–136 passim, 170, 220–223, 264–266, 352, 378, 390–392, 471–472, 706–709, 718, 749–750, 755, 897–901
- Emperor, 709–710, 714
- February 26 incident. See under Political situation, infra.
- Fisheries:
- Alaskan coast: Japanese disinclination to negotiate regulatory convention with United States, 901, 942; Japanese unauthorized fishing near, 942–950; U. S. national defense, relation to, 984–985, 986, 987
- Soviet Union fisheries agreement, extension of (Dec. 28), 86, 177–179, 354, 390, 394–395, 418, 420–429, 451–452, 942
- Germany, relations with, 19–20, 31–33, 58–60, 93, 161, 173–174, 188, 378, 392, 394–396, 399, 400–404, 408–409, 411, 418, 426–429, 458
- Latin American countries, trade relations with, 871–872, 921
- League of Nations, relations with, 6, 36, 44, 131, 716, 984–993
- Leases perpetual in former foreign settlements, cancellation in favor of ownership rights, 964–980; British views, 964–965, 973–974, 975, 976–977, 979, 980
- “Manchoukuo.” See under Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Mandated islands in Pacific, 131, 984–993
- Military element, political activities of: Aizawa, Colonel, trial of, 742–747, 766–769; Army and Navy expansionist programs, conflicting views of, 51, 74, 129–134, 188, 220–223; Army cliques, 88–89, 390–391, 742–747, 761, 766–767, 770; military and civil authorities, conflicting views of, 26–27, 29, 53–56, 63, 84–86, 88–89, 114, 118–122, 221–223, 319–321, 324–325, 329, 343, 346, 352, 370, 378, 389–393, 711, 742–747
- Natural resources, analysis by U. S. Ambassador, 129–134, 220–223
- Naval limitation, attitude toward, 6, 25–28, 145, 180, 222, 265
- Netherlands, relations with, 133
- New Guinea, 130
- Nishihara loans, 578, 580, 581
- Oil monopoly: Discussions between companies and Japanese authorities, 133, 786–787, 788–789, 790–791, 796–797, 798, 847, 902–903; foreign interests affected in “Manchoukuo,” 787, 792–794; U. S. and British views and representations, 786, 789, 790, 791, 792, 794–796, 799–806
- Philippines, attitude toward (see also under Trade relations, infra), 13, 14, 129–134, 266, 549
- Political situation (see also
Military element, supra):
- Analyses of, in relation to Far Eastern situation and U. S. policies, 1, 13, 27–28, 35–36, 42–49, 79, 97–98, 129–134, 144–145, 160–161, 179–180, 188, 220–223, 242–243, 261–264, 288–291, 410–411, 706–718
- Emperor, 709–710, 714
- Expansionist urge, 54, 97, 129–134, 220–223, 242–243, 264–266, 271, 549, 706–718
- February 26 incident: Aizawa, Colonel, influence on trial of, 742–747, 766–769; analysis, 732, 736–741, 747–759; Chinese appraisal, 725, 728; effects, 82, 84, 89, 96, 124, 135–136, 181, 232, 378, 390, 761–766, 769–772, 777–781, 974; events, 719–736; Soviet appraisal, 726, 729, 757
- Government changes and reorganization, 710, 718, 738–741, 754, 757–758
- Soviet Union, relations with. See under Soviet Union.
- Trade relations with United States:
- American economic mission, unofficial, 914–915, 924–925, 936–941
- Automobile Industry Law, 847, 902, 981–983
- Cotton textiles (see also Philippines, infra), 806, 847
- Japanese goods, voluntary restriction of imports into United States, 144, 814–816, 818–819, 825–828, 830–834, 837–850, 853, 860–863, 868–870, 873–893, 893–895, 897–911, 916–917, 935–941; transshipment from Puerto Rico, 874–875, 884–885, 888–889
- Joint committee on Japanese-American trade, proposals of, 903–904, 910, 912–914, 917–918, 941
- Petroleum Industry Law, 709, 847, 902
- Philippines, U. S.-Japanese agreement relative to Japanese voluntary restriction of cotton imports into: Questions relating to, 806–813, 816–818, 819–825, 828–830, 835–837, 839–840, 850–851, 854–860, 862, 863, 868, 873, 889, 891, 895–896, 915, 918–922, 926–935; text of U. S. press release, 813–814; textiles transshipped through Hong Kong and Shanghai, and other questions in connection with implementation of agreement, 807–808, 828, 835–836, 840, 851–853, 854–859, 862, 864–868, 873, 887, 896, 919–921, 927–928, 930–935
- U. S. trade policies, 869–872, 878–879, 897–901, 907–908, 929; relation of Japanese difficulties in Latin America to, 871–872, 921
- United Kingdom, relations with. See under United Kingdom.
- U. S.-Japanese relations (see also
Trade relations, supra):
- Analyses, general, 1, 13, 27–28, 35–36, 42–49, 79, 97–98, 129–134, 144–145, 160–161, 179–180, 188, 220–223, 242–243, 261–264, 288–291, 410–411, 480, 706–718
- Emperor, derogatory publicity in New York City, 296, 298
- Non-recognition of “Manchoukuo,” U. S. policy, 46–48, 155–156, 255, 283–287, 337
- Pacific defense installations (U. S.), 6, 130, 144–145, 265–266, 984–987
- War profits tax on Japanese steamship companies (1918, 1919), settlement of, 950–964
- Kailan Mining Administration, 289
- Kamchatka, 354, 428
- Korea, 129, 216, 300
- League of Nations:
- Leith-Ross, Sir Frederick, mission to China, 196, 223, 231, 235–236, 262, 289–290, 462, 490–494, 501, 587–592
- Loans. See China: Claims: Hukuang Railway loan; Consortium agreement; and Economic reconstruction: American loans.
- London Naval Conference, 20, 24–28, 222
- Macao, 639–642, 645–647
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 266
- “Manchoukuo.” See under Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Manchuli conference (1935), 712, 713
- Manchuria. See Sino-Japanese dispute: “Manchoukuo.”
- Mandated islands in Pacific, 131, 984–993
- Midway Island, 145
- Missionaries and mission property (see also China: Protection), land rental tax and re-registration of title deeds to real property in China, 653–670
- Mongolia. See Sino-Japanese dispute: Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia.
- Motion pictures, American, Chinese censorship restrictions on, 670–685
- Mukden: China party, 251; incident of 1931, 102, 118, 169, 303, 327; Soviet agreement of 1924, 110
- Narcotics. See under China.
- National City Bank, 576, 606
- Netherlands, 12, 130–134, 265–266
- Neutrality legislation (U. S.), 65, 556
- New Guinea, 130
- Nonaggression pact (Japan, United Kingdom, United States), proposals for, 1–13 passim, 35–36, 42–49
- North China. See under Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Oil monopoly. See under Japan.
- “Open door” policy, 760
- Opium. See China: Narcotic drugs.
- Outer Mongolia. See under Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Pan American Airways, question of extension of service to China, 638–647
- Pan-Asiatic movement, Japanese ambitions concerning, 62, 74, 169, 188
- Panchantao Island, 81
- Pearl Harbor, 145
- Philippines (see also under Japan: Trade relations), 13, 14, 51, 129–134, 266, 549
- Pittman, Senator, speech concerning Japan, 49, 52, 79, 91, 102, 130
- Property: Land rental tax and re-registration of title deeds to real property in China, 653–670; leases perpetual in former foreign settlements in Japan, cancellation in favor of ownership rights, 964–980
- Propaganda agents, American citizens employed by foreign governments as, U. S. disapproval of, 782–786
- Protection of American and other foreign lives and property. See under China.
- Railways. See under China.
- Recognition. See under Sino-Japanese dispute: “Manchoukuo.”
- Reconstruction Finance Corp., 459–468 passim, 475–476, 486, 489, 575, 577, 588
- Revenue Act of 1918, 952, 955; 1921, 952, 958; 1936, 911, 923, 941
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President), quotation from address to Congress, Jan. 3, 716
- Salmon fishing in Alaskan waters: Japanese disinclination to negotiate regulatory convention with United States, 901, 942; Japanese unauthorized fishing, 942–950
- Shanghai. See under China.
- Siam, proposed revision of treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with United States (1920), 994–1000
- Sian coup, forcible detention of Chiang Kai-shek, 414–425, 432–434, 436–449, 451, 453, 455
- Siberia, 300
- Silver. See under China: Economic reconstruction.
- Singapore, 266
- Sino-Japanese dispute, 1–459
- Anti-Japanese activities and propaganda:
- General, 3–4, 7, 14, 16–17, 31, 53–56, 62, 64, 90, 99, 107, 112–113, 116, 135, 150, 169, 174–175, 182–187, 190, 195–219 passim, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 248, 257–258, 271, 277–278, 282, 303, 326–327, 362, 364, 373, 419, 421, 434–436, 444–445
- Incidents at Chengtu, 272–273, 282, 293–295, 297–298, 310, 314, 334, 390, 432; Fengtai, 90, 303, 327; Hankow, 282, 302–503, 305–306, 327, 336, 390; Pakhoi, 281–282, 287–288, 291–299 passim, 304, 311, 313, 390, 452–453; Shanghai, 306–312 passim, 315, 317, 323, 327–328, 374–375; Tsingtao, 404–405, 407–408, 416–417, 423, 457
- Autonomy movements. See under North China, infra.
- Aviation agreement between Japan and Hopei-Chahar (Provinces), 359–362, 393, 455
- Censorship, 184, 215, 217, 226, 229–230
- Chiang Kai-shek, 1, 10, 14, 17, 29, 61, 68, 72–73, 88, 90, 91, 95, 96, 97, 106, 107, 113, 122–123, 132, 135, 167, 182, 205–206, 223, 232, 233, 243, 270, 323, 345–346, 349, 362, 364–365, 368, 373, 387, 393, 399
- Chinese attitude toward Japanese expansionism, 5, 17, 61, 68, 73, 96, 104, 116–117, 128, 132, 169, 175, 192, 214, 217, 231, 232, 234, 246–247, 260, 317, 321–322, 326, 334, 362, 365, 368, 370, 393, 401, 403, 409, 411, 418
- Chinese Eastern Railway, 119–120, 140, 162, 178
- Chinese National Government, Cabinet and administrative changes in, 246, 253, 454
- Communists and bandits: Activities, 15, 31, 54, 68–72, 74, 112–113, 132, 150, 166, 187, 231, 234, 239, 279, 299–301, 307, 342, 353, 362, 364, 414–416, 422, 455, 457, 503–516, 522; Chinese suppression efforts, 70, 71, 74, 106, 111, 170, 183–184, 198, 503–505; Japanese attitude toward, 9, 21, 25, 33, 43, 54, 62, 66, 74–75, 99, 106, 111, 114, 115, 124–125, 145–146, 150, 170, 181, 187, 205, 269, 274, 308, 314, 326, 333–334, 350–353, 360, 363–368, 375, 377, 711
- “Cooperation” between China and Japan, Japanese diplomatic
campaign for (see also
Anti-Japanese activities,
[Page 1009]
Demands, infra):
- Alliance proposed, 1–3, 5, 7–8, 11–12, 21, 42–49
- Economic and fiscal matters, 170, 232, 270, 272, 275–276, 293–294, 308, 310, 326, 333–334, 353
- Japanese military and civil advisers, 314, 317, 326, 333–334, 352, 456
- Sino-Japanese negotiations, progress of, 1–3, 5–9, 11, 21–22, 30, 44–48, 53, 68, 87–88, 96, 103–104, 168–170, 228, 229, 231–232, 307–308, 311, 312, 316, 318, 321, 335–336, 338, 341, 347–348, 351–352, 357, 358–359, 362, 366–368, 373–374, 375, 405, 410–411, 418, 422, 453, 455–457, 716
- Trade relations, 94, 111, 124, 170, 238, 243, 244, 251–252, 269–272, 289, 293–294, 308, 548, 712
- Demands: Resultant from anti-Japanese incidents (see also Anti-Japanese activities, supra), 4, 272–273, 282, 287–288, 292–293, 294–295, 303–304, 307–308, 310, 312–314, 318, 326–328, 342, 345, 377, 390, 417, 452–453; “Three Principles,” 2, 3, 5, 21, 30, 53, 68, 72–74, 75, 92, 96, 269, 272, 318, 327, 336, 760
- Inner Mongolia, 9, 29–30, 43, 55, 107, 256–258, 267, 270, 301, 317, 380, 388, 449, 454, 712–713
- Kuomintang, 17, 69, 70, 71, 124, 140, 149, 185, 187, 191, 195, 198, 200, 202, 204, 216, 217, 227–228, 240, 246, 252, 253, 301, 316, 342, 450, 454, 673; speech by Chiang Kai-shek, 246–247
- Kwantung Army, 6, 7, 9, 12, 29, 34–35, 38–39, 41, 44, 53–56, 63, 64, 67, 76, 77, 84–87, 100, 102, 109, 118–122, 135, 177–178, 179, 225, 231–232, 258, 267, 274, 284, 294
- “Manchoukuo”:
- American and other foreign commercial interests, 59, 64, 80, 119–122, 138, 154–156, 287, 289, 365, 709, 787, 792–794
- Censorship, 435
- Chinese Eastern Railway, 119–120, 140, 162, 178
- Chinese residents in, 120, 271, 301, 434–436
- Communists in, 166, 181, 274, 299–300
- Development and expansion, 79, 119–122, 129–132, 136, 155, 271, 287, 316–317, 365–366, 434–436, 478, 707
- Diplomatic and consular relations, 155–156, 255, 283–287, 337
- Extraterritoriality, question of abolition, 119–122, 203, 230–231, 255, 283–287, 337
- Foreign nationals resident in, 285–286
- Germany, relations with, 58–59, 154–155; de facto recognition of, 138, 194; economic agreement with, 137–139, 155–156, 193, 236, 287
- Jurisdiction, extension of, 203, 284, 286–287
- Kwantung Army, position in, 7, 12, 34–35, 53–56, 86, 118–122, 156, 177–180, 225, 258, 284
- Oil monopoly, foreign interests affected by, 787, 792–794
- Outer Mongolia: Border commission proposals to “Manchoukuo,” 78, 81–82, 178, 354; border incidents, 23–25, 35, 38, 41, 54–58, 81–82, 94–95, 99–100, 102, 108, 177–178, 179, 354
- Recognition by other countries, question of: China, 21, 30, 44–47, 246, 262; Germany, 138, 194; Italy, 378, 401–403, 406, 458; Mongolia, 82; United Kingdom, 242, 262–263; United States, 46–48, 155–156, 255, 283–287, 337
- Soviet Union, relations with, 6, 85, 163, 300–501; border commission proposals, 24, 65, 66, 78–79, 80–81, 86, 177–179, 274, 354–356, 394–396; border incidents, 23–25, 33–35, 38–39, 41, 54–57, 80–81, 94, 165–166, 177–179, 187, 216, 273, 354–355, 390
- Taxation, 203, 284; U. S. citizens, payment of, 255
- Trade with Japan, 59, 119–122, 154–156, 289, 316–317, 709
- Manchuli conference (1935), 712, 713
- Mongolia. See Inner Mongolia, supra; Outer Mongolia, infra.
- North China, political and economic penetration by
- Autonomy movements fostered, 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22–23, 31, 37, 43, 49, 54, 62–63, 66, 101, 112, 124–125, 141, 152, 167–168, 174–175, 181–482, 192, 202, 205, 214, 231–234, 243, 251–252, 304, 308, 310, 314–315, 317, 325–327, 333, 335, 342, 349, 352, 366–368, 377, 418, 712
- Communism, Japanese opposition to, 21, 25, 33, 43, 54, 62, 66, 99, 112, 113–115, 124, 150, 205, 269, 274, 711
- Economic penetration, 10, 18, 30, 37, 43, 44, 62, 94, 111, 119–122, 124–126, 141, 238, 243, 251–252, [Page 1010] 269–270, 272, 289, 293–294, 308, 315–316, 353, 548, 712
- Educational control, extension of, 17, 50, 152, 168, 316, 326–327
- Garrison (Japanese) 9, 56, 63, 67, 77, 89, 100, 111, 115, 128–129, 135, 141, 150–151, 161–162, 166–168, 183, 213–214, 218, 225, 231–232, 275, 293, 456
- Hopei–Chahar (Provinces):
- Aviation agreement with Japan, 359–362, 393, 455
- Demilitarization zone, inclusion of, 409
- East Hopei Autonomous Government, 66, 127, 141, 142, 145, 148, 160, 232, 278, 317, 326, 334, 375, 387–388, 422, 425–426, 441, 456, 492; U. S. non-recognition of, 425–426, 443
- Economic penetration, 10, 37, 62, 111, 127, 141, 148, 152–153, 160, 168, 232, 238, 243, 251, 258, 275, 492
- Educational control, extension of, 50, 99
- Foreign nationals, exclusion of, 255–256, 276–277, 280
- Military activities, Japanese, 141, 167–168, 348–349, 373
- Mongol Council, 388
- Pacification Headquarters, 18, 114, 115, 167
- Political control, Japanese attempts to extend, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16, 22, 30–31, 37, 53–58, 116–117, 140, 150, 152, 214, 226, 255–261, 276–278, 280, 393
- Political Council, 9, 17, 18, 19, 37, 39, 49, 50, 62, 66, 106, 117, 118, 125, 168, 226, 233, 238, 251–252, 456; Communication Committee, 76, 111, 141, 152, 173; Economic Committee, 10, 76, 111, 238, 251, 294; Education Commission, 50, 99; Foreign Affairs Committee, 10, 18, 77, 116, 117, 124, 152–153; Japanese advisers, 7, 49, 62, 66, 76; Reconstruction Committee, 76, 117
- Railway control, 140–141
- Suiyuan border clash. See Suiyuan, infra.
- Ho-Umetsu agreement (1935), 6, 17, 89–91
- Military activities, Japanese, 7, 9, 12, 29, 37, 53–56, 62–63, 77, 84–87, 100, 111, 115, 118–122, 123, 124, 128–129, 135, 140–141, 150–151, 156, 161–162, 166–168, 172, 174–175, 177–178, 180, 182, 213–214, 218, 223, 225, 229, 231–233, 239, 269–270, 275, 293, 370, 396–398, 449, 456, 711
- Political control, Japanese attempts to extend, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 29, 31, 37, 38, 43–47, 53–58, 91, 117, 129–134, 140, 151–152, 168–170, 174–175, 181–182, 205–206, 209, 213, 214, 218, 223, 225, 226, 228, 231–234, 248, 250, 255, 267, 270, 317, 393, 453, 455–457, 548, 711–712
- Privileges, Japanese demand for, 62, 124
- Provinces, Japanese desire to occupy, 181, 202, 225, 231–233
- Smuggling. See under Smuggling: Japanese activities.
- Suiyuan: Border clash with Chahar, 29, 55, 231, 233, 256–258, 267, 278, 348–349, 365, 373, 376, 379, 386–588, 393, 398–400, 408–409, 431, 444, 453–456; Japanese penetration into, 255–261, 317
- Tangku, Truce of (1933), 6, 17, 67, 75, 76, 77, 164, 189–190, 217, 263, 317, 326, 334, 393
- Tariff rates, Japanese demand for lowering, 118, 126, 136–137, 157–158, 160, 181, 268–270, 304, 326, 333–334, 456
- Outer Mongolia:
- “Manchoukuo” border incidents, 23–25, 35, 38, 54–58, 81–82, 94–95, 99–100, 102, 108, 177–178, 179, 354; border commission proposals by “Manchoukuo,” 78, 81–82, 178, 354
- Soviet Union, interest in, 16, 23–25, 34–35, 38–39, 41, 54–57, 81–82, 100, 132, 162–163, 187, 300–301; mutual assistance agreement with, 35, 38, 39, 57, 81, 82, 92–93, 94–95, 104–110 passim, 127–128, 162, 236
- South China:
- Communist activities in, 15, 68–72, 183–184, 187, 198, 301, 342, 362–364, 504–505
- Japan, relations with, 14–15, 37, 74–75, 116, 122–124, 135, 187, 191, 194–195, 197–199, 200–219 passim, 225, 227, 229–234, 247–248, 276, 282, 289, 353, 362
- Separatist activities, 14–15, 69, 132, 139–140, 149, 183–187, 190–192, 194–202, 204, 207–219 passim, 224–234 passim, 237–239, 244–250, 252–254, 268, 280–281, 305, 403, 453–454; Sino-Japanese negotiations, effect on, 187, 201, 205, 209, 214, 225, 239, 248, 250
- Smuggling activities of Japan, 15, 157, 163–164
- Anti-Japanese activities and propaganda:
- Smuggling:
- Chinese anti-smuggling measures, 75–76, 118, 146–148, 158–160, 163–165, 176, 317, 333–334, 346–347, 375, 413
- Chinese economic status, effect on, 125–127, 133–136, 141–143, 145–148, 150, 158–159, 163–165, 170, 175–176, 196, 231–235, 455, 492–493
- Extent of, 126–127, 146–148, 158–159, 160, 163–165, 170, 186, 211, 268, 333, 368–369
- Japanese activities:
- Government attitude, 103, 137, 141–142, 145–148, 157–158, 163, 172, 173, 181–182, 189, 196, 226, 231, 232–233, 254, 268–269, 274
- North China, 20, 75–76, 97, 111, 118, 120–121, 124–127, 135–137, 141–143, 145–148, 150, 153, 155–165 passim, 170–172, 173–174, 176, 181–182, 186, 189–190, 196, 205, 211, 231–233, 254, 262, 313–314, 333, 368–369, 375, 413, 429, 455
- South China, 15, 157, 163–164
- Representations to Japan by other governments, question of: Germany, 161, 173–174, 188; United Kingdom, 141–142, 160, 163, 171, 174, 175, 196, 262–263; United States, 142–143, 149, 151, 163, 171, 174, 175, 186, 189, 211, 254, 268–269
- U. S. tariff action on Japanese goods, alleged relation to, 895–896
- South China. See under China: Chiang Kai-shek; Sino-Japanese dispute.
- Soviet Union:
- China, relations with, 5, 61–62, 69, 103, 108, 112–113, 116, 127–128, 143, 162–163, 166
- Chinese Eastern Railway, 119–120, 140, 162, 178
- Defense establishment, 41, 57, 85–87, 179–180, 266, 356
- France, relations with, 41, 57, 85, 95, 103
- Germany, relations with, 32, 33, 41, 57, 93, 179, 394–396, 426–429
- Japan, relations with (see also
Outer Mongolia;, infra):
- Asia, Soviet position in, 6, 12, 44, 48, 54–57, 60–61, 78–79, 84–87, 132, 162–163, 165–166, 187–188, 220–221, 266, 300–302, 356
- Embassy (Soviet), arrest of Japanese employees, 82–83, 177, 180
- Fisheries negotiations, 86, 177, 178–179, 354, 394–395, 426–429, 451–452
- German-Japanese Anti-Comintern Pact (Nov. 25), reaction to, 394–396, 426–429
- German-Japanese military agreement (Jan. 4), reaction to, 32–33
- Nonaggression pact, question of, 216
- Northern Sakhalin, oil concessions agreement on, 354, 394–395
- Sino-Japanese dispute, 12, 33, 34, 38, 41, 55–57, 60, 63, 86–87, 177–178, 355–356
- War, possibilities of, 33–41 passim, 54–57, 64–65, 78–79, 84–87, 100, 108, 134–135, 165–166, 187, 202, 220–221, 257, 265–267, 273–274, 360, 389, 393, 713, 715, 718, 760
- Korea, border with, 216
- “Manchoukuo,” relations with, 6, 163, 300–301; border commission proposals, 24, 65, 66, 78–79, 80–81, 86, 177–179, 274, 354–356, 394–396; border incidents, 23–25, 33–35, 38–39, 41, 54–57, 80–81, 94, 165–166, 177–179, 187, 216, 273, 354–355, 390
- Outer Mongolia, interest in, 16, 23–25, 34–35, 38–39, 41, 54–57, 81–82, 100, 101, 132, 162–163, 187, 300, 301; mutual assistance agreement with, 35, 38, 39, 57, 81, 82, 92–93, 94–95, 104–110 passim, 127–128, 162, 236
- Sakhalin, Northern, oil concessions agreement with Japan, 354, 394–395
- Siberia, 300
- United Kingdom, relations with, 33, 41, 57, 85, 177, 180
- U. S.-Soviet relations, 41, 166
- Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. (see also Japan: Oil monopoly), 127, 186, 606; taxation by East Hopei Autonomous Government, 426, 443
- Stilwell, Col. Joseph W., 223
- Tariff Act of 1930, 815, 816, 818, 841, 849, 869, 876, 880, 888, 893, 900, 909, 941
- Taxation (see also under China), 203, 255, 284
- Texas Co., 792–794
- Tibet, 234, 254
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Anglo-Japanese treaties: Commerce and navigation (1894), 964–965; treaty of 1911, 965
- China, treaties with—
- Belgium, treaty of amity and commerce (1928), 634
- Foreign Powers, Boxer Protocol (1901), 162, 217, 532, 541
- France, treaty of 1858, 607, 629, 630
- Japan, treaty of commerce and navigation (1896), 619, 620
- North China-Japan, Ho-Umetsu agreement (1935), 6, 17, 89–91
- Soviet Union, political agreement (1924), 104, 107, 108, 109, 110
- Four Power Pacific Pact (1921), 45, 46
- Franco-Japanese treaty of 1896, 970, 971
- Franco-Soviet pact of May 2, 41, 57, 85, 95, 103
- Fur Seal Convention, International (1911), 942, 945, 949
- Geneva Drug Convention (1925), 573
- German-Japanese Anti –Comintern Pact (Nov. 25), 392, 394–396, 399, 401–403, 404, 408–409, 411, 413, 414, 418, 426–429, 458
- German-Japanese military agreement (Jan. 4), 19–20, 31–33, 59–60, 93
- Italo-Japanese agreement (Dec. 2), 378–379, 399–400, 401–403, 404, 411
- Japan-”Manchoukuo” treaty (June 10), 120, 203, 284–285
- Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 6, 8, 44, 47, 48
- Mongolian-Soviet mutual assistance agreement (Mar. 12), 35, 38, 39, 57, 81–82, 92–93, 94–95, 104–110 passim, 127–128, 162, 236
- Mukden-Soviet agreement (1924), 110
- Narcotics Limitation Convention (1931), 566, 573
- Nine Power Treaty (1922), 2, 6, 44–46, 48, 470, 533, 601, 607, 744, 749, 984
- Portsmouth, Treaty of (1905), 427, 428
- Shanghai Military Agreement (1932), 317, 334
- Sockeye Salmon Convention (1930), 949
- Tangku, Truce of (1933), 6, 17, 67, 75, 76, 77, 164, 189–190, 217, 263, 317, 326, 334, 393
- U. S.-China: Treaties of 1844, 602, 607, 617; and 1903, 630, 648, 649, 656, 657, 659, 660, 661, 669
- U. S.-Japan:
- U. S.-Siam, treaty of friendship and commerce (1920), negotiations for revision, 994–1000
- Washington Naval Treaty (1922), 6, 12, 27, 45
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom:
- China, relations with:
- Arms and munitions, U. S.-British discussions relative to exports to China, 554–565 passim
- Claims. See China: Claims: British.
- Economic reconstruction. See China: Economic reconstruction: British attitude.
- Embassy, question of removal from Peiping, 242–243, 543, 544–545, 546, 549–551, 553
- Monopolies in China, British attitude toward, 601–608 passim, 618, 627
- Sian coup, attitude toward, 434, 438–440, 445
- Japan, relations with:
- General, 6, 11, 27–28, 33, 42–47, 57, 60, 85, 97–98, 103–104, 160–161, 177, 180–181, 188, 220–223, 242–243, 261–264, 288–291, 319–320
- German-Japanese agreement, British attitude toward, 414
- Leases perpetual in former foreign settlements, question of cancellations, 964–980
- Oil monopoly in Japan, U. S. and British views and representations, 786, 789–796 passim, 799–806
- Political agreement, proposals for, 1–8 passim, 11, 35, 36, 42–49
- Smuggling, effect on British interests, 141–142, 160, 173–175
- Trade with, 138, 262–264, 288–291
- Shanghai, attitude toward neutralization, 380
- Soviet Union, relations with, 33, 41, 57, 85, 177, 180, 263
- U. S. proposed neutrality legislation, attitude toward, 65
- China, relations with:
- U. S. Army forces in China, question of withdrawal, 531–537, 540–542, 544, 546–549
- Vladivostok, 78–79, 266, 356
- Wake Island, 145
- War, possibility of: China-Japan, 11, 17, 39–40, 43–45, 68, 73, 88, 104, 107, 108, 116, 122–124, 134–136, 182, 200, 204, 223, 246, 308, 318, 325, 339–345, 352–353, 357–358, 364–365, 372, 377, 389–393, 409, 411, 418, 483; Japan-Soviet Union, 25, 33–41 passim, 54–57, 64–65, 78–79, 84–87, 100, 108, 134–135, 165–166, 187, 202, 220–221, 257, 265–267, 273–274, 360, 389, 393, 713, 715, 718, 760; Soviet Union-Germany, 41, 57
- Wostwag Trading Co., 258–259