793.94/8153: Telegram

The Consul at Hankow (Jarvis) to the Secretary of State

My September 9, 5 p.m. The departure down river yesterday of three Japanese gunboats reduced Japanese naval strength at Hankow to three vessels. There is now only one Japanese gunboat at Chungking.

A meeting of Japanese residents of Hankow, on September 14th, was addressed by Seto, the Hankow Japanese injured at Chengtu, and Watari and Nakatsu, the resident Japanese naval and military officers. The meeting was orderly and the speeches were earnest and patriotic but not provocative. Both officials referred to the Pakhoi as well as the Chengtu incident.
The Pacification Commissioner and the Governor of Hupeh issued yesterday a joint proclamation, quoting instructions from Chiang Kai Shek, warning against disturbances and enjoining the protection of foreigners and the strict maintenance of order.

Sent to the Department, Peiping, Nanking. By cable to Shanghai.
