819.74/269: Telegram
The Minister in Panama (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:35 p.m.]
23. Referring to my telegram No. 19, February 4, 10 a.m. and my despatch No. 106 of February 4th, Secretary for Foreign Affairs today handed me a memorandum giving Panaman Government’s views regarding the agreement to cover transfer of radio stations at Puerto Obaldía and La Palma. The points upon which this memorandum differ substantially from the Legation’s draft agreement of February 2nd are: (1) two frequencies are requested on 4.000 to 5.500 band and two on 6.675 to 7.000; (2) in case of war or threatened hostilities both stations shall be jointly managed and controlled by the two Governments; and (3) the agreement shall not limit the rights of Panama to erect, operate, and maintain radio telegraphic communication from point to point or shore to ship, nor shall it be considered as a limitation, definition, or restrictive condition on the rights of Panama to operate radio telegraphic stations.
Naval authorities here state that changes (1) and (2) are acceptable.
[Page 630]The Legation replied to the Minister for Foreign Affairs reiterating that this present agreement cannot be construed as modifying any of the larger aspects of the as yet unsettled radio question nor affecting control of ship to shore service. It suggested that, instead of (3), the following be substituted “all provisions of the foregoing paragraphs relating to the operation of the radio stations at Puerto Obaldía and La Palma shall be effective until superseded by the general agreement concerning radio which is expected to be negotiated between the two Governments.”