The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Lane)
Sir: With reference to your strictly confidential despatch No. 224, of May 22, 1934, concerning the issuance of licenses for the exportation of arms and munitions of war to Nicaragua, the Department is prepared [Page 561] to recommend that the embargo be lifted in the case of Nicaragua provided it is ascertained that such action will not be displeasing to President Sacasa and will not be likely to prejudice his Government. For your information the Department has informed the Legation at Tegucigalpa that it is contemplating similar action in the case of Honduras.73
You are therefore authorized to inform President Sacasa that the United States Government is contemplating lifting the embargo on arms shipments to Nicaragua in view of the circumstance that the country is tranquil and the conditions which gave rise to the embargo have ceased to exist. You may express to President Sacasa the hope that the removal of the embargo will be agreeable to him.
The Department will await your reply before taking further action in this connection.
Very truly yours,