The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Nicaragua (Dawson)
Sir: Reference is made to despatch No. 37, of September 15, 1934,33 from the American Vice Consul at Managua, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Collector General of Customs and High Commissioner to the Nicaraguan Minister of Finance, outlining proposals for a new Nicaraguan Tariff which may be presented to Congress for action at this session. In his transmitting despatch, the Vice Consul states:
“… it is noted that the Proposed Tariff makes provisions for increased duties on commodities of vital importance in the United States’ export trade, including such items as wheat flour, hog lard and substitutes, machinery in general, and automobiles.”
Inasmuch as Nicaragua has expressed its desire to negotiate a commercial agreement with the United States, the general purpose of which it is clearly understood will be to remove or reduce existing barriers to trade, including import tariffs, the Department believes it has a right to expect that the Government of Nicaragua, pending the completion of the negotiations, should refrain from increasing its import duties on products which are principally of American origin. It is desired that you point this out informally to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and report the result of your representations.
Very truly yours,
- Not printed.↩