The Chargé in Nicaragua (Dawson) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 27.]
Sir: Referring to the Legation’s recent despatches concerning the proposed reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and Nicaragua, I have the honor to report that the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Doctor Léonardo Argüello, informed Minister Lane, in the course of a meeting on August 17, 1934, that he had requested the Chamber of Commerce of Managua to make suggestions as to what concessions Nicaragua might ask of the United States in negotiating a trade agreement between the two countries. Doctor Argüello stated that he had made the request in confidence and that he had consulted only the Managua organization, implying that other Chambers of Commerce in the country were of little importance.
The foregoing is the only tangible step of preparation for preliminary discussion of the proposed agreement which has come to the Legation’s notice since President Sacasa informed the Minister one month ago that Doctor Francisco Castro, the Minister of Finance, was disposed to start conversations at any time (the Legation’s despatch No. 348 of July 20, 1934).
Respectfully yours,