411.12/1776: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels)
44. Your cable 33, March 24, 5 P.M. and despatches Nos. 1265 and 1267.71 Efforts are being made to conclude the work of Congress expeditiously to enable it to adjourn as early as possible in May. To obtain appropriation for Mexican claims work it is necessary first to have enacted an authorization for appropriation and subsequently the appropriation proper, in other words, two enactments. This will probably be impossible of accomplishment unless General Claims protocol is concluded promptly. There appear to be no differences of importance on the protocol and it is therefore desired that you use your utmost endeavors to conclude it before end of week beginning April 2. You may, at time of signing protocol, as suggested in your despatch No. 1267, write a note giving assurance that “my Government agrees that there shall be concluded as promptly as possible a convention providing for a settlement of the Special Claims of the United States by the payment by the Government of Mexico of a sum equivalent to the same percentage of the amount of the claims in question as the amount found to be due on the similar claims of Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Spain corresponds to the total amount claimed by those countries in claims properly filed before the respective commissions.” Since Mexican comments on proposed Special Claims Convention are only tentative Department prefers to reserve final consideration thereof until you advise of definite views of Mexican Government after consultation with the President.
[Page 447]Before signing protocol cable text of all paragraphs containing any changes from form of enclosure 2 with instruction No. 283 of March 9 in order to avoid any important misunderstandings.
- No. 1265 not printed.↩