611.3831/101: Telegram

The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State

134. Legation’s telegram number 133, December 28, 2 p.m. for Welles. I have just come from the Minister for Foreign Affairs who desires to submit informally the following proposals with regard to the trade agreement. His memorandum contains two propositions:

  • “1. Whenever the laws of the United States shall authorize the extension to Haiti of an annual quota of 10,000 tons of sugar the reductions in duties envisaged in articles 11033, 12420, 12423, 13007 shall become immediately effective.
  • 2. From the date when the exportation to the United States of rum, sugar, bananas, and other Haitian products shall represent 40 percent of the Haitian exports during any Haitian fiscal year the reduction in duty envisaged in article 12011 shall immediately enter into force.”

The Minister added that the treaty was acceptable with the exceptions named above.

It is my impression that the figures mentioned in Hibbert’s memorandum if not acceptable might be subject to downward revision.

Hibbert further authorized me to state that his Government had studied the situation resulting from Japanese dumping and that they are preparing legislation for submission to the next session of the Legislature which would enable the textile and other industries of the United States, Great Britain and France to regain the Haitian markets.

The Minister concluded by saying that he was equally anxious with the Department to see trade agreement concluded as soon as possible.

Pixley was present at the interview. Please show the above to De la Rue.
