The Minister in Guatemala (Hanna) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 26.]
Sir: With reference to the Department’s instruction No. 106 of November 10, 1934,11 in connection with the consideration which the Inter-Departmental Committee was giving to the possibility of meeting the wishes of the Guatemalan Government in suppressing the entry into the United States of contraband chicle by the requirement of certificates of origin, I have the honor to report that on November 19, I informed the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the study being made by the Committee as well as of the doubt expressed as to whether [Page 292] the adoption of a requirement for certificates of origin would be sufficient in itself to reduce substantially shipments of contraband chicle out of Guatemala. I also advised the Minister for Foreign Affairs that it would be of assistance to the Inter-Departmental Committee if it could be provided with a definite suggestion from this Government as to the nature of the assistance by means of documentary requirements that is desired by this Government.
In reply to my note I have now received a note dated December 20, 1934, from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, a copy and translation13 of which is transmitted herewith. It will be observed that the Minister of Finance and Public Credit states that the procedure of requiring certificates of origin would be absolutely useless in attempting to shut off the contraband trade in chicle. It will be noted also that the note makes no definite suggestion in response to the invitation set forth above.
Respectfully yours,