611.1631/73: Telegram

The Minister in El Salvador (Corrigan) to the Secretary of State

48. Referring to your telegram No. 32, August 30, 7 p.m., sometime ago I made inquiry of the Foreign Minister whether the Salvadoran Government was prepared to initiate exploratory conversations at an early date regarding the possibility of concluding a trade agreement between the two countries. He agreed in principle with the plan but [Page 259] said he would have to consult the Minister of Finance. Yesterday I received a note from the Foreign Minister in which he stated that the matter had been referred to the Minister of Finance for his consideration and opinion and he would advise me as soon as he had his reply.

The Foreign Office feels that for the present it would appear preferable not to give public notice of the intention to negotiate the agreement with Salvador until after the Finance Minister has had an opportunity to study the matter and give his ideas.
