816.01/395: Telegram

The Minister in Nicaragua (Lane) to the Secretary of State

25. I called on President Sacasa this morning and showed him telegrams of January 22, 11 a.m., from Tegucigalpa29 and January 22, 1 p.m., from Guatemala.30 He showed me (1) telegram from President Ubico referred to in Lawton’s January 22, 1 p.m., (2) telegram sent by President Sacasa yesterday to Crisanto Sacasa in Tegucigalpa requesting latter to telegraph reaction of Carías as to procedure to be followed in order that telegram of Ubico might be answered, and (3) letter from Crisanto Sacasa dated January 22nd urging that there be no postponement of date of recognition.

I pointed out that the telegrams which I had received indicated that Presidents Ubico and Carías are now in agreement with the procedure outlined in President Sacasa’s talk with me on January 20 (as transmitted in my 21, January 20, midnight) but that question of date of recognition appeared to be unsettled. On this point he said that while he would greatly prefer to adhere to date already suggested (January 25) he would be willing to abide by the wishes of Presidents Ubico and Carías. (Crisanto Sacasa in his letter of January 22, strongly urged the President not to permit anyone to influence him to delay recognition.)

In the strictest confidence the President showed me a letter dated January 20 from General Martínez thanking him for sending Crisanto Sacasa to Guatemala and stating that recognition would be accorded January 25. In view of this apparent understanding on the part of Martínez, a postponement might be difficult to explain to him.

Am repeating above to the Legations at Tegucigalpa and Guatemala with the request that they telegraph me the date agreed upon.

  1. See telegram No. 3, January 22, 2 p.m., from the Minister in Honduras, p. 248.
  2. See last sentence of telegram No. 8, January 22, 1 p.m., from the Chargé in Guatemala, p. 247.