816.01/371: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Guatemala (Lawton)
4. Reference Lane’s telegram to Department No. 15, January 17, 10 p.m. Please see President Ubico immediately and say that the Department very much hopes that he will support Sacasa’s proposal as set out in Sacasa’s draft protocol.
For your information, Sacasa’s draft protocol reads as follows:
[Here follows text of draft protocol as quoted in telegram No. 8, January 13, 1 p.m., from the Minister in Nicaragua, printed on page 226.]
We agree with Lane’s reasons as set out in last paragraph of his No. 15. Moreover, we feel it highly advisable, for the best interests of the Central American states themselves, that the agreement between the Presidents should provide definitely for the calling of a conference. For your information, Lane has reported that President [Page 239] Sacasa considers his protocol as a private arrangement between the five presidents.
Please cable result of your talk with Ubico. If he has any objections of substance to Sacasa’s protocol cable them in detail.