The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ecuador (Dawson)
Sir: The receipt is acknowledged of your despatch No. 1621 of November 12, 1934, relative to the request for assistance from Mr. George Kinkel, an American missionary residing in Guayaquil, in obtaining permission for three missionaries to reside in Ecuador.
In reply, you are advised that the Department is entirely in accord with your views that the interpretation of Ecuadoran legislation is a question for the decision of the Government of Ecuador and that, if the latter chooses to place restrictions upon the entrance of Protestant missionaries, it has the right to do so, provided there is no discrimination as among the nationals of different countries, and that it would be inadvisable for the Legation to make any representations in behalf of Mr. Kinkel or in any other similar cases in which missionaries may be denied permission to take up residence in Ecuador.
Very truly yours,