Continued efforts to obtain cooperation between the Liberian Government and the Firestone interests in the administrative and fiscal reorganization of Liberia as proposed by the League of Nations Plan of Assistance 1

1. For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1932, vol. ii, pp. 686 ff.

[660] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Foreign Control/459: Telegram

[661] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Edge)

882.01 Foreign Control/459: Telegram

[662] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Mitchell)

882.01 Foreign Control/461a: Telegram

[663] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)

882.01 Foreign Control/461b: Telegram

[664] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Foreign Control/466: Telegram

[665] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)

882.01 Foreign Control/469a: Telegram

[666] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Mellon)

882.01 Foreign Control/472a: Telegram

[667] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)

882.01 Foreign Control/463: Telegram

[668] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Mellon) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Foreign Control/476: Telegram

[669] The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Foreign Control/477: Telegram

[671] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)

882.01 Foreign Control/485a: Telegram

[673] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson), at Geneva

882.01 Foreign Control/476: Telegram

[674] The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Foreign Control/488: Telegram

[675] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)

882.01 Foreign Control/488: Telegram

[676] The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Foreign Control/504: Telegram

[677] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)

882.01 Foreign Control/504: Telegram

[678] The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Foreign Control/508: Telegram

[679] The President of the International Committee on Liberia (Cecil) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Foreign Control/532

[680] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Mitchell)

882.01 Winship Mission/20: Telegram

[681] The Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Winship Mission/46: Telegram

[682] The Secretary of State to the Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship)

882.01 Winship Mission/48: Telegram

[683] The Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Winship Mission/49: Telegram

[684] The Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Winship Mission/55: Telegram

[685] The Secretary of State to the Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship)

882.01 Winship Mission/56: Telegram

[686] The Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Winship Mission/58: Telegram

[688] The Secretary of State to the Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship)

882.01 Winship Mission/59: Telegram

[689] The Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship) to the Secretary of State

882.01 Winship Mission/67: Telegram

  1. Telegram in two sections.