882.01 Foreign Control/508: Telegram
The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 7—2:35 p.m.]
43. From Reber. Department’s 17, February 4, 9 p.m. I delivered the Department’s reply to Cecil yesterday. He has redrafted the telegram to Barclay pointing out that the Committee considers the recent action of Liberia inconsistent with the scheme of assistance and urges withdrawal. In order to avoid the necessity of reconvening the Committee, which had, however, opposed no objections to similar portion of another draft originally suggested but withdrawn for other reasons, the telegram is being sent in Cecil’s name and that of the Secretary General as a summary of the Committee’s discussions.
Prior to his departure for London last night Cecil showed [me?] the new draft. He wished me to explain to you that he has done his utmost to meet your views and hopes that it may be possible to urge upon the Finance Corporation importance of avoiding further delay after the withdrawal has taken place.
Cecil has pointed out to the Liberian representative that no negotiations are possible until a repeal of this legislation has taken place and is sending this telegram in the modified form without attaining further assent to its provisions from either party but hopes that it will be satisfactory to the American Government.
The text of the telegram follows:
“In response to your telegram January 28 I should like [to] convey to you summary results of Committee’s discussions on January 31st.
- 1.
- Committee has considered in the light of recent developments situation which has arisen regarding realization of its scheme assistance.
- 2.
- It desires to point out that plan suggested by Committee and accepted by Liberian Government was based on a solution of financial questions involved by agreement between Liberian Government and American groups concerned. It consequently considers that such action as that taken by the Liberian Government is inconsistent with vital provisions of scheme assistance to be given by League of Nations to Liberia [Page 900] and that so long as measures taken by Liberian Government are in force scheme cannot be effective.
- 3.
- As regards attitude of Finance Corporation, Committee notes following statement made behalf of corporation by American representative (here was inserted the statement as authorized by the Finance Corporation31).
- 4.
- The Committee therefore urges Liberian Government so far to abandon its present attitude as to make [it] possible for financial negotiations to be forthwith begun in Geneva.
I venture to add on my own behalf my very strong hope that in circumstances Liberian Government will see their way to withdraw recent legislation, orders and actions relating thereto.”
- [Reber.]
- Gilbert