882.01 Foreign Control/477: Telegram
The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 25—5:40 p.m.]
20. From Reber. Consulate’s telegram No. 14, January 23, 7 p.m.13 Cecil has agreed to call a meeting of the Liberian Committee on January 31st “to consider the situation in the light of recent developments”. As he will probably confine his opening remarks to a statement that he has received a note from the American Government explaining the breakdown in financial negotiations and call upon me for further elucidation, I shall appreciate receiving instructions as to the particular attitude to be adopted.
It is felt here that the Committee may be more disposed to recommend restoration of the loan contract provisions if it can receive definite assurance that the Finance Corporation is prepared to grant some measures of financial amelioration. While condemning the recent unilateral action the Committee will, however, probably be sympathetic toward the idea of a temporary moratorium if one can be agreed upon. The nature of the Committee’s recommendations to Liberia will undoubtedly be strengthened if it can receive any concrete indications of what the Finance Corporation is prepared to do since the Committee can not, it is considered here, intervene in a dispute between the Finance Corporation and Liberia save in so far as it affects the execution of the international plan of assistance.
I am informed that Sottile14 will endeavor to prove that the Firestone interests have been intriguing against the present administration in Monrovia. [Reber.]