724.3415/1879: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss) to the Secretary of State

66. Your 47, July 26, 5 p.m.16 Minister of Foreign Affairs tells me that he is awaiting approval by Brazilian Foreign Office of a declaration he has proposed to support the action of the Neutral Commission in Washington with the addition of a proposal for active measures if necessary to prevent war. He promised to give me the text of declaration as soon as it is ready for delivery.

The Minister maintained that the countries contiguous to Bolivia and Paraguay should not act separately but should throw all their weight in support of the Neutral Committee now functioning in Washington but held further that this attitude should be augmented by declaration that such support should be backed up by something definite to show their determination to prevent hostilities.

He was cognizant of information contained in your 48 [47?], July 26, 5 p.m., and spoke of placing a cordon along frontier. La Critica published last evening under customary scare headlines report from Salta correspondent that American, Spanish and other foreigners constitute majority of Bolivian officers. Such reports may perhaps account for rumors which consul tells me he hears that United States is backing Bolivia.

I am advised that Bolivian Government has requested West India Oil Company to sell it 100,000 liters of gasoline for aviation use.

  1. See footnote 13, p. 145.