Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1932, The American Republics, Volume V

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1932, The American Republics, Volume V
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
- Victor J. Farrar
- John G. Reid
- William R. Willoughby
General Editor:
- E. R. Perkins
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Persons
- List of Papers
- General: (Documents 1–396)
- Postponement of the Seventh International Conference of American
States (Documents 1–7)
- The Chaco dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay:
(Documents 8–271)
- I. Good offices of the Commission of Neutrals (Documents 8–131)
- II. Efforts of the Commission of Neutrals to obtain the cooperation of
the ABCP Republics (Documents 132–222)
- III. Cooperation of the League of Nations with the Commission of
(Documents 223–271)
- I. Good offices of the Commission of Neutrals (Documents 8–131)
- Proposal by the Argentine Government for an anti-war treaty
(Documents 272–277)
- The Leticia dispute between Colombia and Peru (Documents 278–322)
- Extension of good offices of the United States in conciliating differences
between Argentina and Uruguay (Documents 323–345)
- Efforts of Costa Rica to effect the denunciation of the General Treaty of
Peace and Amity, signed February 7, 1923 (Documents 346–370)
- Boundary disputes: (Documents 371–396)
- Ecuador and Peru (Documents 371–386)
- Guatemala and Honduras
(Documents 387–396)
- Ecuador and Peru (Documents 371–386)
- Postponement of the Seventh International Conference of American
States (Documents 1–7)
- Argentina: (Documents 397–404)
- Brazil: (Documents 405–472)
- Insurrection in Brazil (Documents 405–472)
- Insurrection in Brazil (Documents 405–472)
- Chile: (Documents 473–572)
- Revolutions in Chile
(Documents 473–567)
- Representations against petroleum bill of May 17, 1932 (Documents 568–572)
- Revolutions in Chile
(Documents 473–567)
- Costa Rica: (Documents 573–593)
- Insurrection in Costa Rica (Documents 573–593)
- Insurrection in Costa Rica (Documents 573–593)
- Cuba: (Documents 594–616)
- Political unrest in Cuba
(Documents 594–616)
- Political unrest in Cuba
(Documents 594–616)
- El Salvador: (Documents 617–703)
- Refusal of the United States to recognize the Martínez regime in El Salvador
(Documents 617–684)
- Communist uprising in El Salvador (Documents 685–703)
- Refusal of the United States to recognize the Martínez regime in El Salvador
(Documents 617–684)
- Haiti: (Documents 704–751)
- Unperfected treaty between the United States and Haiti for the further
Haitianization of the Treaty Services
(Documents 704–739)
- Agreement between the United States and Haiti amending the Garde agreement
of August 24, 1916; amended March 23, 1920, and February 28, 1925 (Documents 740–744)
- Representations against arrest of Collector of Customs without prior
reference to Garde headquarters (Documents 745–746)
- Reservation by the United States of rights to Navassa Island (Documents 747–751)
- Unperfected treaty between the United States and Haiti for the further
Haitianization of the Treaty Services
(Documents 704–739)
- Honduras: (Documents 752–774)
- Insurrection in Honduras (Documents 752–774)
- Insurrection in Honduras (Documents 752–774)
- Mexico: (Documents 775–796)
- Nicaragua: (Documents 797–921)
- Adverse opinion of the Department of State regarding the election of a
Constituent Assembly
(Documents 797–808)
- Assistance by the United States in the supervision of elections in
(Documents 809–858)
- Agreements for cooperation between the two political parties to effect the
pacification and to insure the peace of Nicaragua (Documents 859–867)
- Transference of control over the Guardia Nacional to Nicaraguan officers
and withdrawal of the United States Marines from Nicaragua
(Documents 868–909)
- Assistance by the United States in the suppression of bandit activities in
(Documents 910–921)
- Adverse opinion of the Department of State regarding the election of a
Constituent Assembly
(Documents 797–808)
- Panama: (Documents 922–924)
- Peru: (Documents 925–945)
- Insurrection in Peru (Documents 925–945)
- Insurrection in Peru (Documents 925–945)
- Index