
The Belgian Embassy to the Department of State



The Belgian Government has taken cognizance, with keen interest, [of] the note that the Government of the United States has addressed to China and Japan.

The Government of His Majesty attaches, in fact, great importance to the respect for treaties shown by the American Government in its communication, and in this respect, it notes particularly the American Government’s declaration that it will not recognize in any way a situation which might be created by means contrary to the Kellogg Pact.

Furthermore, Belgium has already informed the Representatives of China and Japan that the action taken by the League of Nations in the interests of peace must be crowned with success, which action she has followed closely by delegating an observer to the Sessions of the Council at Geneva and at Paris.

The Government of His Majesty continues to follow attentively this question which is inscribed on the agenda of the Session of the Council of the League of Nations which will open on January 25.