The Far Eastern Crisis: Occupation of Manchuria by Japan and Statement of Policy by the United States:1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1931, vol. iii, pp. 1–715; for additional correspondence, see ibid., Japan, 1931–1941, vol. i, pp. 76–107 and 161–220.
- Chapter I: January 1–28, 1932 (Documents 1–105)
- Chapter II: January 29–31, 1932 (Documents 106–171)
- Chapter III: February 1–8, 1932 (Documents 172–280)
- Chapter IV: February 9–16, 1932 (Documents 281–384)
- Chapter V: February 17–29, 1932 (Documents 385–510)
- Chapter VI: March 1–12, 1932 (Documents 511–620)
- Chapter VII: March 13–31, 1932 (Documents 621–694)
- Chapter VIII: April 1–May 5, 1932 (Documents 695–799)