Proposed international committee of control in Liberia and continued nonrecognition of the Barclay administration1
1. For previous correspondence relating to conditions in Liberia, see Foreign Relations, 1930, vol. iii, pp. 329 ff.
[735] The Minister in Liberia (Mitchell) to the Secretary of State
Monrovia, October 31, 1931.
[Received December 3.]
[Received December 3.]
[736] The Minister in Liberia (Mitchell) to the Secretary of State
Monrovia, November 24, 1931.
[Received December 29.]
[Received December 29.]
882.01 Foreign Control/178
[737] The Minister in Liberia (Mitchell) to the Secretary of State
Monrovia, December 9, 1931—4
[Received December 10—8:40 a.m.]
[Received December 10—8:40 a.m.]
882.00/905: Telegram
[738] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Switzerland (Greene)
Washington, December 12, 1931—1
882.01 Foreign Control/168: Telegram
[739] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Mitchell)
Washington, December 17, 1931—7
882.01 Foreign Control/173: Telegram
[740] The Minister in Liberia (Mitchell) to the Secretary of State
Monrovia, December 18, 1931—8
[Received 8:52 p.m.]
[Received 8:52 p.m.]
882.01 Foreign Control/174: Telegram
[741] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Mitchell)
Washington, December 21, 1931—5
882.01 Foreign Control/175: Telegram
[742] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Mitchell)
Washington, December 21, 1931—6
882.01 Foreign Control/174: Telegram