882.01 Foreign Control/175: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Mitchell)

58. Department’s telegram No. 57, December 17, 7 p.m., and your telegram No. 89, December 19, noon.58 There is given herewith for your confidential information a summary of a telegram received from the American Consul at Geneva in reply to the message quoted to you in the Department’s 57.

The Secretariat of the League still plans to hold the meeting of the International Committee in January as scheduled, and it is understood that Sottile is asking the Liberian Government if it will designate a representative for that meeting. Should no Liberian delegate from Monrovia be named, Sottile will probably act. Apparently Sottile agreed to recommend the foregoing to the Liberian Government on condition that the January meeting would adjourn to a further session in April or May. Thus the former, while not scheduled as such, would be of a preliminary or preparatory character.

  1. Latter not printed.