882.01 Foreign Control/173: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Mitchell)
57. Shortly after sending you telegram No. 56 of December 15, 5 p.m.,55 the Department received a telegram from the American Consul at Geneva55 describing a communication received by the League from the Liberian Government by which the latter endeavors to have the meeting of the International Committee postponed until April 1932. I am transmitting to you herewith for your confidential information only the text of my reply to Mr. Gilbert, sent December 16, 4 p.m.
“You may say informally to Drummond or Von Rentefink56 that we feel it would be most unfortunate if the meeting of the Committee were again postponed. The question of Liberian reforms has now been the subject of international discussions for more than 2 years; the report of the Experts was made 2 months ago; and we consider it important that the Committee meet and take action on this report as soon as possible in order that the benefits of it and of the recommendations of the experts may accrue to Liberia without delay.
Reports from Monrovia indicate the existence of unrest among the native peoples, which might lead to disturbances or outbreaks against the Government if reforms are longer delayed. It is said that the natives are awaiting the results of the Committee meeting with impatience.
In your discretion you may add that this Government feels that public opinion in this country would consider attempts on the part [Page 698] of the Liberian Government further to delay the work of the Committee as evidence of insincerity and as an effort to block the necessary reforms and reorganization. It is, therefore, hoped that the Liberian Government may find it possible to send a representative qualified to speak in its behalf to the Committee in time to hold the meeting in January as scheduled.”
Please report any local developments.