811.348 Z 4/169: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Germany (Robbins)

115. Your 200, October 2, 4 p.m. Although Zeppelin contract provides specifically for acceptance of airship by this Government only upon delivery in this country, nevertheless, it was this Government which secured permission for its construction and it is for this Government that it is being built. Authorization for flight of Zeppelin over foreign territories to United States is necessary consequence of permission for construction, and accordingly the United States has approached the governments whose territory may be traversed. The necessary authorizations have been obtained and no action by the German Government appears necessary in the premises. You will [Page 182] immediately inform Foreign Office of substance of foregoing in correction of verbal opinion expressed by you.

[Paraphrase.] The French Government has attached to the permission granted for crossing its territory the condition that the Zeppelin shall not fly the German flag while in transit over French territory.

It is the Department’s understanding that the representatives of the Navy Department at Friedrichshafen have attended to this matter and that German flag will not be flown over French territory. Any attempt by German authorities to raise the question of authorization in general or of German flag in particular would be most unfortunate. [End paraphrase.]

Please cable report immediately.6

  1. On Oct. 3, 2 p.m., the Chargé informed the Department that the Zeppelin would fly no flag except on leaving Friedrichshafen and on arrival at destination (file no. 811.348 Z 4/170).