Financial settlement by Japan for the fatal shooting of Lieutenant Warren H. Langdon, U. S. Navy, at Vladivostok by a Japanese sentry, January 8, 192176

76. For previous correspondence regarding the shooting of Lieutenant Langdon, see Foreign Relations, 1921, vol. ii, pp. 354 ff.

[322] The Secretary of State to Senator Henry Cabot Lodge

494.11 L 25/6

[323] The Ambassador in Japan (Woods) to the Secretary of State

494.11 L 25/13: Telegram

[324] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Woods)

494.11 L 25/13: Telegram

[325] The Ambassador in Japan (Woods) to the Secretary of State

494.11 L 25/15: Telegram

[326] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Woods)

494.11 L 25/16: Telegram