811.348 Z 4/166: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Charge in France (Whitehouse)

300. Your 416, September 25, 3 p.m. states that permission for Zeppelin to fly over France even though operated by German crew will certainly be granted, whereas your 407, September 17, 6 p.m., states “permission granted.” Please clarify.

The possible objection you mention to the Zeppelin flying the German flag seems unreasonable to the Department, but if the Foreign Office is insistent upon it, you are instructed to risk no further delay by insisting on this point.

The Department understands that the duration trial flight is just now in process of completion and therefore the transatlantic flight may be possible at any day; accordingly, Department requests you to secure and to telegraph immediately unequivocal authorization for the flight from the French Government.
