811.348 Z 4/166a

The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Howard)

Excellency: I have the honor to inform you that the dirigible airship now being constructed for this Government at Friedrichshafen, Germany, has completed various trial flights and is about to sail for America in the near future, possibly next week. Authorizations for the flight of this airship over their territories have been granted by the Governments of Great Britain (including Northern Ireland), the Irish Free State, Bermuda, France, Belgium and Holland.

It is not intended that in her transatlantic flight the ZR–3 shall pass over the territory of Canada or Newfoundland and such territory will only be flown over in the event of stress of weather or other unforeseen circumstances. I trust that if such a contingency should arise the Governments of Canada and Newfoundland would extend to the ZR–3 and her occupants the kind reception usually accorded mariners in distress, and I should be greatly obliged if you would confirm this assumption.

Accept [etc.]

Charles E. Hughes