837.51/842: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Representative on Special Mission in Cuba (Crowder)
62. Your 63, September 13, 5 p.m.
Department has today given out following statement:
“Reports from Cuba are to the effect that considerable opposition has developed in the Cuban Congress to the reform program of the Cuban Government. Amendments have been made which, if finally enacted, would render nugatory the reform measures which it is hoped will be adopted, and which are essential to Cuban prosperity.
The Department was very gratified that President Zayas had undertaken to carry out the reform measures proposed, but is now very much concerned at the obstructionist action of the Cuban Congress. All well wishers of Cuba, including most of the leading Cuban citizens and the Cuban press have realized for some time that the plan as presented to the Cuban Congress is vitally necessary for stamping out corruption. No progress can be made towards the financial rehabilitation of the Island until this program is carried out.
While the situation presented by this opposition in Congress is most serious and is causing the Department a great deal of concern, the Department is, nevertheless, still confident that the matter will be satisfactorily adjusted. General Crowder has the complete confidence and support of the American Government in his difficult mission and the Department hopes and believes that it will still be possible for Cuba to carry out the reforms in the manner suggested by him, and in this way avoid the serious situation which would otherwise inevitably arise.”