Negotiations on behalf of the World War Foreign Debt Commission for the settlement or refunding of debts owed the United States by foreign governments

[116] The British Embassy to the Department of State


[118] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)

800.51 W 89/1a: Telegram

[119] The Belgian Ambassador (Cartier) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Belgium/—

[121] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)

800.51 W 89/2a: Telegram

[122] The Minister in Poland (Gibson) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Poland/3: Telegram

[123] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey)

800.51 W 89 Great Britain/c: Telegram

[124] The French Ambassador (Jusserand) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 France/10

[125] The Minister in Hungary (Brentano) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Hungary/5: Telegram

[126] The Minister in Finland (Kagey) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Finland/2: Telegram

[127] The Czechoslovak Legation to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Czechoslovakia/13

[128] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Great Britain/8: Telegram

[129] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Great Britain/6: Telegram

[131] The Ambassador in Italy (Child) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Italy/9: Telegram

[132] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Great Britain/28

[133] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey) to the Secretary of State

462.00 R 29/1893: Telegram

[134] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy (Child)

800.51 W 89 Italy/9: Telegram

[135] The Secretary of State to the Commissioner at Riga (Young)

800.51 W 89 Lithuania/1

[138] The British Ambassador (Geddes) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Great Britain/52

[139] The Rumanian Chargé (Nano) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Roumania/17

[141] The Commissioner at Riga (Young) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Lithuania/6: Telegram

[143] The British Ambassador (Geddes) to the Secretary of State

800.51 W 89 Great Britain/69