837.51/842: Telegram

The Representative on Special Mission in Cuba (Crowder) to the Acting Secretary of State

63. Have just concluded conference with the President. Of the five-point legislative program mentioned in my urgent number 51, August 21, the President will veto the second, namely, the law of accountability, because of the vicious amendments to the bill while in conference. He will probably veto the first, namely, the law for the modification of the civil service law for similar reasons, but will first hear Council of Secretaries as to whether they can carry on the reform program under the bill as it passed. The plain purpose of the amendments to both bills is to obstruct the program of reform as outlined in my memorandum number 8.51 The third bill providing for a debt commission will probably be approved. The fourth bill has not yet passed the Senate.

In addition Congress in the last few days has passed a bill amending the electoral code, the effect of which is to vacate numerous [Page 1042] orders of annullment issued by Superior Electoral Board because of frauds in registration. The President has promised me to veto this bill.

Opposition in Congress has become very firm since publication of Acting Secretary’s press report which is very generally misinterpreted here as meaning that Congress may obstruct the five-point program without serious consequences.

  1. Not printed; see despatch of Apr. 21, from General Crowder, p. 1024.