861.77/2781: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Warren) to the Secretary of State

176. Under date of October 24th Count Uchida gave formal consent to proposals contained in your 115, October 13, 7 p.m.7 The note after accepting our proposals states, “I beg to state in addition that the Japanese Government desire that the points contained in the memorandum which I handed you on October 16 be deemed supplementary to insofar as they can be made compatible with the American proposals above referred to”.

The memorandum referred to was forwarded in my 172, October 17, 2 p.m. In my 172 the date was given as September 16, although it was handed me on October 16th. This was a mistake in the Foreign Office and the memorandum should be referred to as dated October 16th.

  1. See footnote 1, p. 920.