861.77/2684: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Whitehouse) to the Acting Secretary of State

350. My 346, September 1, 9 p.m.84 French reply now received. It states France particularly interested on account of the amount of French capital in the Russo-Asiatic Bank which is the only stockholder of the Chinese Eastern Railway. The French Government [Page 914] disposed in principle to participate in any international agreement made for the purpose indicated in our memorandum. Before making official reply Foreign Office would like to know whether the words “the Powers other than China” refer to the five Powers party to the agreement of January, 1919, to the nine Powers who signed the agreements of Washington relative to China, or to the Powers who maintain today diplomatic relations with China. It does not seem to the French Government that the last alternative would be in accord with the spirit of the memorandum.

  1. Not printed.