893.113/249: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy (Child)

80. Your No. 60, April 18, 3 p.m.

On consultation with the Japanese Embassy it appears that in view of the assurances now given by the Italian Foreign Office the [Page 731] Government of Japan would be disposed to withdraw such reservations as it made in the Pacific and Far Eastern Committee of the Conference on Limitation of Armaments to the proposed Resolution on the subject of shipment of arms and ammunition to China. This Resolution as it stood in its final amended form at the time it was withdrawn in consequence of the Italian and Japanese reservations,67 reads as follows:—

[Here follows text of the resolution quoted in the telegram of June 2 to the Ambassador in Great Britain, printed supra.]

Would it be agreeable to the Italian Government if the Government of the United States were now to circularize the Powers (other than China) participating in the Conference, asking their concurrence in this re-affirmation of the China Arms Embargo in substitution for the declaration made by certain of the Powers to the Chinese Government in May, 1919?

  1. See Conference on the Limitation of Armament, pp. 1474–1492.