
The Ambassador in Chile (Collier) to the Secretary of State

No. 75

Sir: In conformity with the instructions of the Department, I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and translation of a confidential Note from the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs on the subject of the unfulfilled provisions of the Treaty of Ancon, which was furnished to me on the 19th[?], instant, in substitution for another communication, a free translation of which was transmitted to the Department by telegraph on that date.3

I have [etc.]

Wm. Miller Collier

The Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs (Barros Jarpa) to the American Ambassador (Collier)

Mr. Ambassador: With reference to my Note of today’s date, No. 116,4 my Government being desirous of removing in the future all doubt regarding the spirit in which it will avail itself of the invitation of Your Excellency’s Government transmitted in your Note of the 18th, instant, I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that the acceptance by Chile of this suggestion is based on the principle, in its opinion fundamental, of the validity of the Treaty of Peace with Peru of 1883 and of the immutability of the consequences of the War of the Pacific, as has been pointed out to the Secretary of State of the United States by the Chilean Ambassador at Washington and to Your Excellency by the undersigned.

I avail myself [etc.]

Ernesto Barros J.
  1. See the Ambassador’s telegram no. 8, Jan. 19, 1922, 10 p.m., p. 451.
  2. Quoted in the Ambassador’s telegram no. 6, Jan. 19, 1922, 8 p.m., p. 450.