861.01/367: Telegram

The Consul General at London (Skinner) to the Secretary of State

Krassin head of Soviet delegation in London called voluntarily today to urge full recognition by the United States, his real object being to elicit indication of American Government’s willingness to receive sympathetically formal proposals to this effect. Krassin said Lloyd George assured him position of Russia in Genoa Conference would be that of full recognition of Soviet Government. Said further Russia regarded United States as having technically made war against Russia that American claims must be in connection with Russian counter claims. If political recognition impossible he hoped for de facto recognition as he personally wished to visit United States in the spring. He indicated that Russian oil territory could not be restored to original owners but might be parcelled out among small number of very large concessionaries preferably some American concerns who might reimburse original owners by distribution of shares or payments in cash. Said he was desirous to secure American participation in important pipe-line construction. My attitude was merely that of listener.
