814.00/361: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (McMillin) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received March 17—10:34 a.m.]
44. President of the Republic has just called me to his residence and stated that he believes that a word from the Government of the United States could settle the present situation without bloodshed. He then stated that having confidence in the good will and honesty of the Government of the United States, he placed the entire situation and the fate of the country in our hands and would agree to abide by any decision which we make.
One of the chief difficulties up to the present in arriving at a settlement of the question through mediation has been the absence of any guarantee which the Unionist Party would trust that whatever agreement which might be entered into would be [lived up to]. If the Department could give assurance that President Estrada would be held to his undertakings an agreement might be reached. Revolution inevitable without immediate solution. Instructions urgently requested.