814.00/362: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (McMillin) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received March 17—4:15 a.m.]
43. Legation’s 42. March 15th.6 As a result of shooting which occurred March 11, reported my telegram 38 March 12, both Unionist Party and President earnestly requested diplomatic corps and urging my cooperation act as mediators in an effort to find some solution to present situation and avoid a revolution. Diplomatic; corps replied that while it could not act officially would do all possible otherwise to prevent bloodshed. Meeting of the diplomatic corps held and I was requested in their name to see what could be done. I held a conference with members of Unionists committee who presented me with list of demands on which they said they would make a settlement. This list was furnished the President through Minister for Foreign Affairs and President appointed a committee of three men to represent him. Conference this committee held yesterday as well as with committee of Unionists Party making it clear to each that members of diplomatic corps were not acting in any sense officially but at urgent requests of Government and Unionists solely in a final effort to avoid bloodshed. Both sides expressed their sincere thanks for anything that might be accomplished along these lines. While no final answer was given by Government committee yesterday to all demands of Unionists, Government concedes the most essential demands. But Unionists showed such distrust and suspicion of sincerity other side as to make me most pessimistic about possibility of peaceful solution. Furthermore remaining demands of Unionists are of such a trivia] nature as to cause me to believe that they feel the time has passed for any settlement of their difficulties in an amicable way. This is [Page 726] erroneous. If they act reasonably they can get a just settlement. It looks today as if they are only accepting the good offices of the diplomatic corps out of courtesy to the latter rather than because they wish any actual settlement outside of the removal of President. The attitude of the representatives of the Labor Party at this conference especially confirms my belief. A meeting of the committee of the Unionist Party and the entire diplomatic corps will be held tonight at which time a definite expression will be sought as to the real purposes of the Unionists Party in the matter. I neither have nor will take any action which might compromise the Government of the United States in this matter.
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