Relaxation of the censorship—Trial of journalists for offenses against regulations—Executive orders of the Military Governor, December 6, 1920, defining and prohibiting defamation and sedition; objections by the Department of State to the Executive orders and the concurrence of the Navy Department in their annulment

[114] The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell)

123R911/115c: Telegram

[115] The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell)

839.918/1: Telegram

[116] The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) to the Secretary of State

839.918/2: Telegram

[119] The Chargé des Affaires in the Dominican Republic (Brewer) to the Secretary of State

839.918/4: Telegram

[120] The Chargé des Affaires in the Dominican Republic (Brewer) to the Secretary of State


[122] The Chargé des Affaires in the Dominican Republic (Brewer) to the Secretary of State

339.3921L96/3: Telegram

[123] The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell)

339.3921L96/3: Telegram

[124] The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Navy (Daniels)


[126] The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Navy (Daniels)


[127] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell)

339.3921L96/25a: Telegram

[128] The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) to the Secretary of State

339.3921L96/26: Telegram

[129] The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) to the Secretary of State

339.3921L96/28: Telegram

[130] The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) to the Secretary of State

339.3921L96/33: Telegram

[131] The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Navy (Daniels)


[133] The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) to the Acting Secretary of State
